Friday, March 5, 2010

Grounding, Addiction, and Grief

We are all addicted. I'm addicted to understanding and to excitement. Until we are free, until we are liberated, we are addicted in our individual ways to avoiding the fundamental terror of our imagined separateness.

When we are lost in my addiction, there is no ground. When we are firmly grounded, receiving the support of the earth element, addiction is nowhere to be found. As I mentioned in the previous post, grounding is the first energetic ability that a healthy baby learns. Grounding is a necessary prerequisite for centering, for having impulse control, and for having appropriate boundaries. These energetic abilities are the tools which uproot the core cause of addiction. We each must begin with receiving the support of ground. How much love and devotion can we feel for Mother in Her manifestation as Earth.

Being grounded is not merely being here now, but being here now with trust, trust that I can relax fully into this place. Unresolved grief is where we don’t trust. Unresolved grief is at the core of addiction. When we next are caught in addiction, in our body, in our mind, in our emotions, can we admit our lack of groundedness and then connect with ground. As we breathe in, push down through the base of the torso into the earth and receive the support that is always available. Open down. Relax the holding at the base that is futilely hoping to protect. And with the outbreath, allow this energy to flood the pelvis, the legs and feet.